Friday, January 02, 2015


And to all who are wondering, my server at is no longer in existance. I am working on bring it back around under a new domain name, but that won't be happening until I clean off some of my old drives that I have in cold storage.

A New Post!!!!

Hey Everyone, Happy New Years!! So, its been a few years... One of my resolutions for this year is to post a little bit more often. My plans are to post some things about what is going on in my life, things I'm trying out on my comp and the like stuff. Some things I need/want to do today or soon are cleaning up my gmail inbox. I have close to 20,000 emails, so I think it is high time to get rid of all the marketing type emails in it. I also am trying to improve IMAP performance in Evolution and Outlook. I don't have my email sorted well so when I try to sync it is a nightmare trying to sync 20,000 emails. The other thing I need to do is to clean up my windows partition on this pc. Seeing that my windows install is foobared, I am planning on pretty much wiping the disk and using it as my data disk to take some of the load off of my ssd drive with my linux install on it. This way my /home dir can be moved off the ssd and save space as well as read/write cycles. Well hopefully i can give y'all an update soon.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Windoze :-D

Haha... typical windows.. don't forget to check the mouse over... and for those of you who don't know what that is, bring ur mouse over the picture and wait until the text popout!!

I seriously hate it when i'm downloading something and the dialog box promises me that my download will be complete in 60 seconds... but then as i watch that time... thinking it will slowly count down second by second... it counts up almost exponentially until it reaches a point where it doesn't even show a time any more... and then at last when that blue progress bar is like 1 pixel away from the end it, i then see 1 second remaing... but yet it does not complete for another 2 minutes...

Why not just be like linux.. forget the eta... just show the percentage complete and total time elapsed and total downloaded... TRUE information, rather than estimations...

anyways thats enough of a rant for tonight..
talk to ya all later

Coming soon: My opinion and the biblical perspective on the string theory and theory of relativity.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More changes

Yup... ive made more changes to my website at here... feel free to comment/criticize/complement on it here...


Thursday, July 09, 2009

So Yeah

I'm at work right now... Just thought i update one of my earlier posts..

The link to my website is now . It needed to change slightly because of the port blocking that telus does...

I'm trying to think of something creative to do on it... It'll probably just sorta be a profile about myself or something...

Any ideas anyone?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hey everyone.... um, tomorrow's gonna be a busy day for me. I happen to have a big final in math tomorrow, and also a job interview. I would like to ask for your prayers for strength, courage, and that i may be able to but all my hope and trust in God that He is in control of both the outcome of my exam and also the interview. May His will be done in what ever happens.



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Rant of Internet

There it is again. Some clueless FOOL talking about the "Information Superhighway." The don't know JACK about the Net. It's NOTHING like a Superhighway. That's a BAD metaphor.

Yeah, but suppose the metaphor ran the OTHER direction. Suppose the HIGHWAYS were like the NET.

All right!

A highway HUNDREDS of lanes wide. most with potholes. Privately operated bridges and overpasses. No highway patrol. A couple of rent-a-cops on bicycles with broken whisltes. 500 member VIGILANTE POSSES with nuclear weapons. 237 ON RAMPS at every intersection. NO SIGNS. Wanna get to Ensenada? Holler out the window at a passing truck to ask directions. AD HOC traffic laws. Some lanes would VOTE to make use by a single-occupant vehicle a CAPITAL OFFENSE on Monday through Friday between 7:00 and 9:00. Other lanes would just SHOOT you without a trial for talking on your car phone.

AOL would be a giant diesel-smoking BUS with hundreds of EBOLA victims and a TOILET spewing out on the road behind it. Throwing DEAD WOMBATS and rotten cabbage at the other cars, most of which have been ASSEMBLED AT HOME from kits. Some are 2.5 horsepower LAWNMOWER ENGINES with a top speed of nine miles an hour. Others burn NITROGLYCERIN and IDLE at 120.

No license tags. World War II BOMBER NOSE ART instead. Terrifying paintings of huge teeth or VAMPIRE EAGLES. Bumper-mounted MACHINE GUNS. Flip somebody the finger on this highway and get a WHITE PHOSPHORUS GRENADE up your tailpipe. Flatbed trucks with ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILE BATTERIES to shoot down the Traffic Watch helicopter. A little kid on a tricycle with a squirtgun filled with HYDROCHLORIC ACID.

Now THAT'S the way to run an Interstate Highway system.

source: @ March 24, 12:26